These Regulations set forth the rules for the provision of the Newsletter delivery service and have been drawn up pursuant to Article 8(1)(1) of the Act of July 18, 2002, on the provision of electronic services (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 1219, as amended).
Service Provider – OBSERWATORIUM.BIZ sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Poznań (60-537) at Kościelna 37 Street;
Subscriber – an individual who has entered into a Newsletter Delivery Agreement with the Service Provider;
Consumer – a Subscriber who is a consumer within the meaning of Article 221 of the Civil Code, i.e., a natural person who purchases a service for a purpose not directly related to his/her professional or business activity;
Regulations – these terms and conditions;
Newsletter – a collection of information sent by the Service Provider to the electronic mail address provided by the Subscriber, containing informational, promotional and/or advertising content of the Service Provider and/or other services, in particular commercial information;
Privacy Policy – a document containing information on the processing of personal data;
Website – the website maintained by the Service Provider, available at:
Newsletter Delivery Contract – a contract for the delivery of digital content within the meaning of the Consumer Rights Act, under which the Service Provider undertakes to deliver the Newsletter to the Subscriber free of charge for an indefinite period;
a) having a device that allows connection to the Internet,
b) having an active e-mail account,
c) a web browser in the current version (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Microsoft Edge,),
d) having computer programs that ensure reading of files in .pdf, .docx or .xlsx format.
1. Conclusion of the Newsletter Delivery Agreement, requires the Subscriber to perform the following actions:
a) entering the Website,
b) entering your name and email address in the dedicated form,
c) accept these Terms and Conditions using the checkbox.
2. Upon confirmation of the Newsletter order, the Newsletter Delivery Agreement is concluded between the Subscriber and the Service Provider.
3. The Newsletter Delivery Agreement shall be concluded for an indefinite time.
4. The Service Provider shall inform the Subscriber, and the Subscriber, by entering into the Newsletter Delivery Agreement, acknowledges that the frequency and dates of Newsletter delivery are not predetermined and depend on the current situation of the Service Provider.
5. The Newsletter shall be delivered electronically to the email address provided by the Subscriber.
37 Kościelna St.
60-537 Poznań, Poland
TIN: 7792428710ㅤ